Monday, August 13, 2007

The Introduction


First off, welcome to my blog. My name is Brian, but my usual online alias is Echelon. I play video games as if it was my life, and live my life as if it was a hobby. As sad as it is, it is just as true. I mainly play two types of games. First Person Shooters (FPS) and Role Playing Games (RPG). To be more specific I play a lot of MMORPG's (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). This is my blog for that genre. Being that I have played so many, and that I spend so much of my time at the present doing so, it's only right that my blog is about it. Despite how nerdy it is, I feel like writing about my digital adventures more so than about my real life endeavors.

That said, I hope you enjoy this, and I hope that if you to are a gamer, and have a gaming blog, feel free to comment and I'll do the same in return!

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