Sunday, August 19, 2007

I feel so dirty.

I am playing World of Warcraft again. Why? I have no fucking clue! I have this seething malice towards it and everyone who loves it. And yet I find myself going back for one reason or another on a seemingly every 6 month type schedule. This time I'm going back for PVP and because Juice is playing.

I don't know, its fun usually until about the amount of time it takes to get to level 40, then I find myself wanting a game that isn't so dull. *Sigh* I am at a stage in my "gaming life" if you can call it such a sad thing - that I am in between interests. I'm waiting for other things to be released but have such along wait before they are out. So I'm left filling my time in with games I don't necessarily have a drive to play, which leaves just the general MMO addict phase that most MMORPG's can offer, rather than the game addiction itself. The first time I played WoW, I was truly addicted, but the second and now the third time I've gone back - I'm just there to waste a the time I have between getting off of work and going to bed each night.

I've still got my subscriptions to Vanguard and Dungeons & Dragons, and I'm trying to come to a decision on which to cancel, whether it be one or the other or just both. I really wanted to get into Vanguard again, but I am at a loss presently as to whether I'm going to give myself that chance or not.

HELP ME! I'm ridiculous!

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