Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Reign of Warcraft is Over.

It's been quite a while since my last entry. Reason being nothing happened between then and now. That's the problem. Nothing ever really happens in World of Warcraft. You get a quest, the quest makes you kill things, you kill X amount of things or kill the things until X amount of items are dropped by said "things". Then you get the big quests, which require you go kill something higher difficulty for it's head. It's a glorified way of grinding, in short. Then you have the offshoot hobby parts of the game. Crafting and PVP, both of which are a joke in World of Warcraft. Sure WSG is fun or the first 20 times you run it, after that you wish the game's PVP mechanics were deeper.

I made it a little over a month, got a Paladin to 32, and leveled a Rogue I had from 39 to 43. The grinding process gets so much more tedious after 40, and this why I never get too far past that point with any character before giving up on either the character or the game.

So what am I doing now? Another game I am almost ashamed to be playing. Lord of the Rings Online, of course. I briefly played it in it's beta stages, dubbing it WOW part 2. But admitedly I never gave it the time of day, I never got anything past the "Prologue" portion and got into the actual game. Now that I'm playing it, its basics are in fact the same as world of warcraft. But the lore, and the general idea behind it's development is in fact different.

Not to mention I don't have to run around looking like a badly drawn cartoon character all of the time, wondering when I'm going to get a blue dagger.

I started out with a friend I work with on the Arkenstone server, but soon after found out the Landroval server is the "unofficial RP server" of the game and am now playing their pretty much full time.

Looking for a good heavy-RP guild currently, of which there seems to be plenty, deciding is the delima.

If any are interested in contacting me in game my main character currently is a Champion (13 as of now) Man, named Cohenric.

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